Around thanksgiving 2020, Lucas kept complaining of headaches. He would point to the back of his head saying it hurt and it didn’t feel good. Initially, his complaints were dismissed as attention seeking behavior. Then, he also started vomiting here and there. Early December his day care teacher called to report that Lucas was laying in ground saying his head hurt and wouldn’t play. 12/7 he went to pediatrician who ordered a MRI for 12/15. After the pediatrician appt, the vomiting and headaches became much more persistent and there was definitely a pattern. 12/15/20 the 30 minute mri turned into a 2 hour scan that showed the 4cm tumor. He was transferred to another children’s hospital where he had a successful full resection on 12/17. Lucas travelled to Memphis to St. Judes on January 10th and had another mri and lumbar puncture. Unfortunately, this mri showed that the cancer had spread to 6 other spots in brain and also a spot on spine. He had leptomingeal spread which decreases his prognosis. He had his port placement surgery and started his 30 proton radiation treatments on 1/21. He fared well and didn’t have many side effects from treatment. He went home to Florida for 5 week break and returned to St. Judes on 4/8 to begin his 7 cycles of high dose chemo.