Reese Hayhurst
On December 3, 2020, Reese woke up with strange purple dots on his legs. My husband and I grew concerned as he also started to run a mild fever. My husband took him to his pediatrician where they ran bloodwork and found his white blood cell count was almost 80,000. That’s when we were sent to Children’s Hospital of Atlanta and where they later determined he had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. A couple weeks later they also determined that Reese had a rare chromosome called the Philadelphia chromosome. This essentially was telling his body to keep making the cancer. Praise God just 15 years ago a medication was discovered that can work to turn off this chromosome from making cancer. This helped his prognosis tremendously. Reese has been undergoing months of chemo and we are recently rejoicing in his remission! We are praying the Leukemia stays gone forever. Because we are on a study, Reese has been randomized for the more aggressive chemo that he will continue for the next two years. He has been such an incredible little fighter at the ripe young age of three. God has carried us through every step of the way and we are giving HIM all the glory! Although excruciatingly painful, He has been teaching us rich lessons and mercifully lifting us up on days we feel exhausted. Reese inspires us every day with his courageous fight, contagious laugh and zest for life!
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