Peyton White
Peyton White is a 15 year old Sophomore at Woodstock High School. She is a dedicated student and starting setter for the varsity volleyball team. She spends her free time volunteering for organizations that are focused on helping children fight cancer. Below is her story:
“On May 13th, 2019, I was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, or for short, CML. While the prognosis for me is good, this will be something I have to fight for the rest of my life. On that day, my outlook on life changed completely. It showed me that you need to live each day to the fullest, because you never know when the course of your life is going to change. I have struggled with the question of “Why Me” while beginning the new normal for my life. I went through stages where I was very sad, very angry, and the uncertainty of the future sometimes still overwhelms me. But I remind myself all the time of how fortunate I am and how blessed that this was caught early.”
Peyton’s treatment consists of a daily targeted chemo pill that will eventually keep the Leukemia suppressed at an undetectable level in her body. She continues to be an amazing daughter, sister, and friend, even dealing with the health struggles she faces daily.
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