Josie Pruitt
Around the beginning of March 2021, Josie started complaining of leg pain. After a visit to her pediatrician and a few x-rays, we were told she had growing pains. Over the next couple of months, she would let me know she was having “the growing pains“ and we would take it easy or I’d give her some Tylenol.
Fast forward to July 2021. She had a fall that resulted in increased pain and limping. After more visits to her pediatrician, orthopedist and pediatric orthopedist, as well as countless x-rays we were told again it was growing pains.
I knew in my Mom heart this was not growing pains. July 12th we went to the Pediatric ER and finally got some answers. Abnormal labs led to an ambulance ride to a Saint Jude affiliate hospital.And less than 24 hours later we were flying to Memphis to be treated for neuroblastoma at St. Judes children’s research Hospital. Josie and I have been here ever since.
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