Connor Battle
On October 20th, Connor Battle, was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor called Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma (JPA). The neurosurgeons are hopeful for a full resection without damage to his vision or hearing, but there is no guarantee as his tumor is in his occipital over his spine. So far, his shunt has drained over 1500 mL of cerebrospinal fluid that has caused hydrocephalus. He has been at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Scottish Rite since the diagnosis. He is currently, as of this writing, undergoing surgery to remove this beast from Connor’s brain.
Those of you who know my sister, Christy Battle, knows that she has the kindest and caring heart, always puts others before herself, and would never ask of anyone to help her in this time of need, but I am doing so please. Due to Connor’s diagnosis, she has never left his side, and has had to take an FMLA leave unpaid from her teaching position at Lanier High School. We are all extremely hopeful and praying that with the best surgeons at CHOA, Connor will recover and do the things 4 years old do. Because of his time in the PICU, his brain surgery, and his recovery, and her time from work unpaid, her family will be left with huge medical expenses. I kindly ask that if you are in a position to donate, please help with Connor’s medical expenses. Christy also has two children, Caylee 8, and Collin 2. They just want their brother back home. I know Christy and Cody, my family, and myself are SO grateful for all the kind words and prayer chains going around for Connor. They are the only thing keeping a smile on my sister’s face. If you are not in a position to donate, please put Connor in your prayers. Christy and her family will be forever grateful for any help, big or small.
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