Everly Stoner
On August 16th, 2020 after an all day fever and constant sleeping Everly’s mom felt her throat and found swollen lymph nodes. She Googled the symptoms and the first thing that came up was Leukemia. She didn’t believe that could be true, but took her to the local ER as it was a Sunday. Within an hour a helicopter was on it’s way to transport Everly to the OSF St. Francis Children’s Hospital of Illinois. Once Everly’s parents arrived they were informed that Everly had Leukemia and were given the choice to stay of go to St. Jude.
On August 18th, 2020 Everly and her mom traveled to St. Jude by ambulance where they stayed for 3 months while Everly started treatment. During the stay Everly had an ICU stay due to low sodium and she developed a port infection and neuropathy and lost the ability to walk. She had to have her first port removed and had a PICC line while waiting for the infection to pass. She was in a wheelchair for almost a year while undergoing therapy to learn to walk again and gaining her strength back.
She had a new port placed 2 weeks before they went back to Illinois. On November 16th, 2020 Everly and her mom traveled back to Illinois. In Illinois Everly is being treated at the Midwest St. Jude Affiliate located inside the Children’s Hospital of Illinois.
She has under gone numerous lumbar punctures and Hospital stays, but has done so with a smile on her face and a will to make everyone laugh. On Christmas Eve of 2020 Everly walked on her own for the first time in 4 months. In December of 2021 she officially no longer has a need for the wheelchair! She still goes through therapy for strength and has weekly clinic visits and chemotherapy. Everly is doing really well right now and we pray it stays that way!
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